Thursday, April 15, 2010


Money is one of those things where you don't really care about until it becomes your responsibility, and then it starts to have a huge impact on your life. Luckily for me I was taught to be responsible with my money from a young age and that has helped a lot, but even then you always find yourself in a tad bit of a hole every once in awhile.

These holes usually come in the form of either extraneous expenditures or over spending on necessities such as food. I have come to ask myself if I really need 80 hot dogs from Costco as seeing they'll probably rot or I'll die of a heart attack before I finish them. Yes they are a steal when bought in bulk, but its worth saving the 5 bucks by sucking it up and going to Ralphs to get the 6 pack instead.

Looking into my fridge recently I found myself in this little hole. I have more than enough food yet when I'm out either at work or somewhere around town, I still find myself pulling out my wallet to buy food. So for the rest of this month I will no longer be spending anymore money on food. I will have to hunker down and eat all thats in my fridge breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Yes I've seen those blogs/articles where people go on living for a month on a dollar or don't drive for a year. They save a ton of money, but no way am I ready to put myself through that gauntlet just yet. Baby steps. Baby steps.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Uncommon Art

I must say I love art that has the ability to take something that is ingrained in pop culture and take a new twist on it. Case in point Star Wars in the style of Feudal Japan art.

Han Solo and Chewbacca