Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Airport Fun

The airport has to be one of the worst places in the world. It’s like Disneyland with all the lines and crowds, but minus all the fun. I must say it is a good place to people watch, but I get ahead of myself. Attempting to check-in already brought an onslaught of problems. When they weighed my baggage it was only 8lbs over their limit, and so the cost they would add on to take my baggage was an extra $100!! That’s friggin ridiculous. I can think a million ways to blow $100 in mindless ways, but paying that much for someone to take my packed underwear is definitely not one of em. So now I had to unpack all that underwear and turn my carry-on bag into a checked bag -___-. If my plane crashes I hope that bag blows open and rains down clean boxers to all the needy children of the world, courtesy of United.
But anyways onto the more fun parts of waiting for your flight; people watching. Here’s just a few of the things I saw.

Guy with SARS mask: I mean swine flu is rampant, but wearing one of those masks makes me think YOU have the swine flu and sitting next to you does not make me feel safe at all. Or maybe I make him feel unsafe because I don’t have one haha.

Grandma and grandkid: This one I admit is pretty cute. The grandma I guess tired of sitting around is walking around with her hands behind her back, and there’s a little kid behind her following her the same way (I hope this isn’t a little kid trained to pickpocket haha, but the kid seems too cute to do that)

Ballin’ Outta Control Kid: So according to regulations now you’re allowed to take a small bag and one personal item with you onto the flight. You always see the little kids clutching their backpacks with a plushie in hand, or the businessman with his laptop. But this kid has his backpack AND a basketball. Who takes a basketball onto a flight?! I mean I love playing ball, but he must love that basketball like no other or the next Jordan. Castaway anyone? (WILLLSOOOONNNN)

Family with feisty baby: Enough said. My earplugs are halfway in my ears already.

Kid with Willy Wonka Factory in Backpack: One thing I love on long trips and flights is snacks, nothing more satisfying than reaching in your backpack for that bag of chips or cookies. Now I look over 3 chairs over and the tiniest girl pulls the biggest zip-lock bag of candy I’ve ever seen! I didn’t even know they had zip-lock bags this big! And I think she has candy I’ve never even heard of!! What responsible parent would let their kids eat a whole bag of candy? A real sugar momma. The combination of Feisty Baby and Candy Girl is already a disaster waiting to happen. I feel it in my ancient bones.

But anyways on about Taiwan. I honestly must say I have no clue what to expect, and don’t feel ready at all. We’ll see if the Chinese 1-6, and 100A get me anywhere out here. I already forgot all my vocab, so it’s not looking so peachy. But the next time I blog it’ll be from Taiwan!! See you guys then!

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